Calabasas – Petition Signatures Submitted – Referendum to put New Home Co’s Canyon Oaks Hotel & Subdivision on Ballot

Kudos to the tireless Calabasas community activists who delivered petition signatures to the city of Calabasas yesterday to meet the July 21 deadline. And, a big thank you to so many Calabasas residents for signing the petition; for standing up for their city; for wanting to be informed and vote for upholding their planning laws; and to attempt to hold their elected and city employees accountable to the people. Unknown-8

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REFERENDUM in Calabasas! Let the Residents Vote on Canyon Oaks Hotel/Subdivision!


Community activists in Calabasas, fed up with the continual circumventing of the city’s General Plan by its elected officials, city manager, and community development director, made a very courageous move and launched a REFERENDUM to challenge the recently approved, “Canyon Oaks Hotel and Subdivision” on Las Virgenes Road. This is no easy feat – with a tight 30 day window – to write, circulate the petition and get the required number of signatures. new-map

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Development Prospects Brochure – LA Packaged To Sell?

What do you think of City of Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti’s effort to sell multi million dollar investment opportunities listing development prospects to foreign investors – in a brochure? Is he selling out L.A. Neighborhoods? Read the article and development prospects in the Los Angeles Business Journal: MAYOR TO PUT UP FOR-SALE SIGN DURING ASIA TRIP – Idea Hall

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