Finally on Monday, Dec. 9, after 5 years of advocating, Malibu activists were successful in beating back Malibu City Attorney Christi Hogin to convince the City Council to vote 5-0 to ban pesticides. Their proposed LCP language amendment (thanks to Poison Free Malibu) syncs up with Los Angeles County’s SMMLCP ban which was adopted in 2014. Now it needs to be ratified by the California Coastal Commission — which already has weighed in on support as well as approving LA County’s language. Malibu is a critical piece of the puzzle in trying to save our wildlife from poisons — they are the only city encompassed totally in the National Recreation Area. Thank you to all. It’s a very big win for wildlife!!
Continue readingFire Fact Forum – Success!
The Science Of Fire In The Santa Monica Mountains — thank you to all who attended our Forum on Aug. 22 at King Gillette Ranch. It was a wildly successful evening and extremely well attended. Response was overwhelmingly positive — Fire Facts — No More Fiction! * We have included links here to all three of our experts’ presentations that evening — as well as links to their professional profiles and powerpoints.
Ready LA County
Residents and Communities of the Santa Monica Mountains:
For up-to-date information on upcoming power outages and other emergency information please go to this link
Continue readingPOISON Claims the Life of P-30 & P-53
Two Mountain Lions Found Found Dead in the Santa Monica Mountains
Cause of Death for P-30 is Anticoagulant Rodenticide Poisoning
Continue readingSCE To Comply With LCP
Residents of the Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Program:
We have had many complaints and concerns recently of intimidating action taken by Southern California Edison (SCE) in our LCP neighborhoods — threatening to remove trees on private property (native and non native) and excessive cutting of trees that threaten their survival. SCE is fear mongering residents with threats of liability unless they comply.
Continue readingQuiet Skies SMMS – Progress!
Support AB 1788 CA Ecosystems Protection Act – Stop Poisoning Our Wildlife