In another historic vote, on Thursday, July 10, the California Coastal Commission (CCC) unanimously approved Los Angeles County’s Santa Monica Mountains Local Implementation Program (LIP). The LIP is one of two components of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) – the other being, the Land Use Plan (LUP) which was also just recently unanimously approved by the CCC.
Santa Monica Mtns LIP at Coastal on July 10
The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) component of the Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Program (LCP) will be heard Thursday, July 10th, at the California Coastal Commission (CCC) in Ventura.
Ventura City Hall
501 Poli Street
Ventura, CA 93001
Invitation to LVHF’s Santa Monica Mountains Tribute to Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky on June 21!
![SMM Tribute invite](
Invitation to LVHF’s Santa Monica Mountains Tribute to Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky. Click on invitation to enlarge. Co-sponsored by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, the National Park Service and State Parks. Please RSVP to Tickets may be purchased on-line here or by mail.
Agoura Hills to Oppose Calabasas Proposed Land Annexation
The Agoura Hills City Council has directed staff to write a letter to LAFCO opposing their neighboring city of Calabasas’ request to annex unincorporated land along Agoura Road. More details and a copy of the letter will be forthcoming.
Calabasas Allows Developers to Run Amok in Rural Neighborhoods
Updated – The city of Calabasas has finally cracked down on the developer of a three home project in the Calabasas Highlands – and forced him to clean up construction debris that was strewn along the entrance to the community, creating an eyesore.
Calabasas Proceeds with Annexation – Planning Commission Meeting – May 1
The City of Calabasas is proceeding with annexation of 43 acres along Agoura Road despite the fact that the City of Agoura Hills has not officially weighed in yet. The hearing will take place at the May 1st – Planning Commission meeting at the Civic Center in Calabasas. Click on link for details.
April 23 – Agoura Hills Council Considers Calabasas Land Annexation Request
On April 23, the City of Agoura Hills will consider the City of Calabasas’ request to annex unincorporated county property along Agoura Road. This would in essence bring Calabasas adjacent to the Liberty Canyon neighborhood and next to the proposed Wildlife Corridor 101 Freeway Overpass/Underpass project currently being studied.