SB 50 has gone down to defeat on the Senate floor.
The Federation is grateful to our Senator, Senator Henry Stern, for holding firm with a NO vote on SB 50, despite intense pressure from special interests outside of our district, including from a few misguided enviros who either can’t read the bill or who purposefully ignored the hidden exception that promoted urban sprawl in high fire severity zones.
Thank you Henry for protecting the Santa Monica Mountains, our neighborhoods, and for preserving the land use decision making rights of our cities to not have a one size shoe fits all development frenzy dictated by Sacramento. Kudos also to Senator Ben Allen and Senator Hertzberg – both of whom also voted NO on SB 50.
SB 50 was another bad Wiener bill – which attempted to remove local control and loophole in urban sprawl in the SMMs and other high fire severity zones. It was a gift to developers and real estate investors and did virtually nothing to increase affordable housing in the state.