Get the Facts Straight! Save P-45! We Agree with the Times…

Yes, we agree with the Los Angeles Times!  Save P-45!  And, let’s get the FACTS straight….

Click on this link to read the LA Times editorial today – Save P-45 –

Thank you to so many of you for your passion and continuing work to try and save P-45. The depredation order must be revoked.

Many are familiar with the apparent spokesperson leading the charge against P-45. He is quoted in several articles and stories. He spoke at one of our meetings several months ago, where he also received the expertise and consul of the National Park Service and LA County re: how to protect his animals (and thus our wildlife too) in the heart of our LCP and wild areas. Despite this, it appears those directions, requirements, and recommendations were ignored, and no new or proper safeguards were taken to protect their animals. It’s called, taking responsibility.

Further, NO permits that we are aware of have ever, or henceforth been garnered by the rancher(s) — and, it appears that they may be actually operating a commercial enterprise.

Be there tonight – NPS is conducting a workshop at Paramount Ranch at 7:00 p.m.