Yikes! Malibu Canyon Road Tunnel Upgrade Closures Begin….

Upgrades Coming to Malibu Canyon Road Tunnel

Construction will begin in early January 2015 on a $3 million project to upgrade the Malibu Canyon Road tunnel in Malibu. The project includes improvements to the tunnel’s interior lining and roadway repair to enhance driver comfort and vehicle safety.

The project will also bring water quality benefits with the construction of a vegetated swale, which will filter pollutants from stormwater and help replenish groundwater supplies.

During the eight-month construction period, the tunnel will be closed for construction Sunday through Friday, 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., and will remain open at all other times. Nighttime traffic will be detoured onto Kanan Dume Road and Topanga Canyon Boulevard. Emergency vehicles will be allowed access during construction.

The project is financed with funds from LA County and State 1B Transportation Bond revenue.

For construction updates and further information, visit www.dpw.lacounty.gov/go/malibutunnel.


Media Contact:

Kerjon Lee

(626) 458-4348 (Office)

(626) 476-0533 (Mobile)