LVHF Water Forum – What a Turnout! Experts Debate Alternatives for First Time….


LVHF welcomes guests and speakers.

LVHF welcomes guests and speakers.

Left to Right - Conner Everts - Environmental Water Caucus, Brandon Goshi - Metropolitan Water District, Doug Obigi, Water Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council, San Francisco.

Left to Right – Conner Everts – Environmental Water Caucus, Brandon Goshi – Metropolitan Water District, Doug Obegi, Water Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council, San Francisco


Brandon Goshi - Metropolitan Water District of Southern California - presents the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) - two tunnels, 37 miles long and 40 feet in diameter each.

Brandon Goshi – Manager of Water Policy and Strategy, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California – presents the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) – two tunnels, 37 miles long and 40 feet in diameter each.

Doug Obegi, Water Program Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), San Francisco, presents the Portfolio Alternative - one tunnel, 1/3 capacity of BDCP tunnels. Additionally supported by a consortium of conservation and business organizations including the Defenders of Wildlife, Planning and Conservation League.

Doug Obegi, Water Program Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), San Francisco, presents the Portfolio Alternative – one tunnel, 1/3 capacity of BDCP tunnels. Additionally supported by a consortium of conservation and business organizations including the Defenders of Wildlife, Planning and Conservation League.

Conner Everts, Environmental Water Caucus, presents the Responsible Exports Plan alternative - no tunnels.

Conner Everts, Environmental Water Caucus (EWC), presents the Responsible Exports Plan alternative – no tunnels. EWC’s plan is supported by  more than 30 groups including the Center for Biological Diversity and the Sierra Club.

LVHF guest speakers debate the merits of their alternative plans to solve California's water crisis.

LVHF guest speakers debate the merits of their alternative plans to solve California’s water crisis.



