No More Rat Poisons!! Letters to Enviro Quality Committee Due By May 27.
Friends of the Santa Monica Mountains:
This is what you need to do next to help stop the poisoning of California’s threatened wildlife —Support AB 1788. If you haven’t already weighed in, please, do it now. You can use the letter below as a guideline or write your own personal letter of support to the Senate Environmental Quality Committee. That hearing is scheduled for June 5. Deadline to submit letters is May 27 at noon.
Put in your email subject line: SUPPORT AB 1788
Send email to: mimi.holtkamp@sen.ca.gov, Scott.Seekatz@sen.ca.gov,
Dear Chairman Allen and Honorable Members of the California Senate Environmental Quality Committee:
SUPPORT AB 1788 (California Ecosystems Protection Act)
I/we are writing in strong support of AB 1788, introduced by Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica). This bill prohibits the use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) throughout the state — the most toxic, “one-feeding kills” poisons — as well as prohibits the use of first generation anticoagulant (FGARs) rodenticides on state-owned properties. These poisons are having widespread devastating impacts on our state’s ecosystems, in particular, on California’s treasured and threatened wildlife, as well as creating unnecessary risks to the health and safety of our state’s children and household pets.
This bill is long overdue. Please vote to support AB 1788 and move it forward.
(Your name and organization if applicable.Your address including zip code.)
These are the Senators that sit on the Senate Environmental Quality Committee — Senator Ben Allen (Chair), Senator Patricia C. Bates (Vice Chair), Senator Jerry Hill, Senator Nancy Skinner, Senator Henry I. Stern, Senator Jeff Stone, Senator Bob Wieckowski.
These are some of the organizations that oppose AB 1788 and want to continue poisoning California’s wildlife:
- American Chemistry Council, Animal Pest Management Services, Inc., California Chamber of Commerce, California Food Producers, California Manufacturers & Technology Association, California Retailers Association, Household and Commercial Products Association, Pest Control Operators of California….
If AB 1788 passes the Senate Environmental Quality Committee it moves on to the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee chaired by Senator Henry Stern.
Our thanks to Assemblymember Richard Bloom for authoring AB 1788.