LVHF AGENDA – October 17, 2012


Wednesday, Oct. 17 at 7:00 p.m.



1. Chesebro Meadow Liberty Canyon Wildlife Corridor Preservation Update & Discussion. Attend SMMC’s hearing on Oct. 29 at 7:30 at King Gillette Ranch to support Senator Pavley’s request that the SMMC apply for Prop 117 funds to purchase open space for Chesebro Meadow Wildlife Corridor in Agoura Hills.

 2. Calabasas Right to Vote Initiative and Term Limits Initiative Updates. Jody Thomas.


1. Federation Alliance & Formation of Joint Committees: Guest – Wendy-Sue Rosen, Vice President, Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations, Inc.

 2. Jeff Reinhardt – Update from the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District (LVMWD) on proposed rate changes and rebate programs. Introduction/discussion of proposed “reservoir” project – locations and feasibility.

The District is considering three canyons as potential sites for a “seasonal storage facility” project for treated wastewater. The reservoir options include April Canyon near Kanan Road; Vecklers Canyon, which is off Cold Creek’s Stokes Canyon in the saddle below Calabasas Park; and what’s called the Hope property, which is contiguous to LVMWD property east of Las Virgenes Road, and also in Cold Creek. An environmental impact report (EIR) has yet to be done and will consider the impacts and feasibility of the project locations.

The Stokes Canyon site would have a capacity of 1,900 acre-feet of water with a 48-acre surface and 552 acres of watershed that would drain rainwater into the reservoir. The Hope site would hold 2,000 acre-feet on 45 acres, with a watershed of 343 acres. The April Canyon site would hold 2,200 acre-feet on 58 acres, with 250 acres of watershed.

3. Los Angeles County’s “Oak Woodlands Conservation Management Plan”. Presentation: Dan Cooper, Cooper Ecological Monitoring, Oak Park. Preserving southern California’s vital and rapidly shrinking oak woodlands. 

4. “An Oak Woodland Fuel Treatment method for landscape level wildland fire mitigation in the Santa Monica Mountains and the Simi Hills.”  A scientific way to identify “fire paths”, plant native oak trees across such paths to slow and/or prevent wildfires from jumping the 118 and 101 Freeways.  Presentation of master’s thesis of Tony Shafer, M.A. and 43 years L.A.F.D. experience and his partner in the website Shea Broussard assisted by Don Wallace.

5. Wildlife Corridor Committee – Update/Discussion/report. Chair-Cynthia Maxwell.

6. Protect CEQA Committee – Update/Discussion/report.

7. Creek Stewards Committee – Collaborative. Introduction/Discussion. Focus – development project impacts, vineyards.

8. Oak Tree Committee – Discussion Calabasas Oak Tree Ordinance Amendments. Information to Committee for LVHF policy recommendations. Chair-Roger Pugliese.

9. Hillside/Mountainous, significant ridgeline development project emerges again – Old Topanga/Calabasas Highlands. Same owner/applicant, but this time has facilitator – (VICA member) Rosenheim & Associates, Inc. Woodland Hills.

DRC – File No. 120000752. A request for a Site Plan Review to construct 3 homes on 3 individual lots and an Oak Tree Permit to encroach into the protected zone of 28 oak trees, located within the Hillside-Mountainous zoning district and the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zoning District (HM-SC), at 3111 Old Topanga Canyon Road.Submitted by: Suro Barchyan


1. Hidden Terraces Project.

2. Connecting the dots….VICA and Calabasas. Why was Calabasas dissected out of the SMM’s Assembly District into the San Fernando Valley…?